1869 January 13 Letter to Lamb's Machine Manufacturing Company


1869 January 13 Letter to Lamb's Machine Manufacturing Company


Gratitude is given for a knitting sample. Brigham orders two machines for himself and inquires into the cost of factory machines.




Brigham Young


Lamb's Machine Manufacturing Company


1869 January 13


Salt Lake City
Chicapee Falls, Massachusetts


Business Matters


Salt Lake City
Jan. 13th. 1869.

Lamb's Machine Manuf. Co.
Chicapee Falls. Mass.


I am in receipt of your favor of the 1st. inst. enclosing sample of knitting for which please accept my thanks. Of course, I cannot judge of the merits of your machine never having seen one, but if it be as represented I am confident it would be of considerable advantage to our community, and I would be pleased to recommend it to my friends. I wish to know what would be the cost to us at the factory; 1st without being boxed, next, with boxing. Should the price warrant the expense, I wish to send for several & have them forwarded by express. In the meantime please to forward me for my own use, Two machines one of No 1. & one of N.. 2 with all the latest improvements et ceteras. address Care of Megeath & Co. End of Track U.P.R.R. Please forward without delay.

Yours very respectfully
Brigham Young

P.S. What is your trade discount.