1869 January 16 Letter to T. C. Durant


1869 January 16 Letter to T. C. Durant


Money is sent to Brigham for expenses on his railroad contract. He outlines the remaining amounts owed him. Railroad cars have reached Pulpit Rock.




Brigham Young


T. C. Durant


1869 January 16


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters
Building and Construction


Salt Lake City, U.T.
January 16. 1869.

T.C. Durant Esq.
Vice President U.PR Road Echo.

Dear Sir:-

Your telegram of 14th inst. giving advice that your New York House had placed One Hundred Thousand Dollars to my credit with Messrs Jno. J. Cisco & Son. N.Y. was duly received, for which please accept my thanks.

Such was the demand upon me for money that I have drawn my checks for nearly the whole amount already.

The estimate of my work done in the month of November amounted to $376.690.-89. on which I have received the One Hundred Thousand as per your telegram, and bill of tools &c $31.677.21 and from Mr. Frost, Asst Cashier $150.000.00 making in all $281.677.21 leaving:--

Balance due me for November.....................................$97.013.68
And there is a balance due me for October of............... 33.592.13
Making Total due me, ending November 30. 1868......$130.605.81.
besides the estimate for December which falls due in four days and
is exclusive of the twenty per cent which is retained.

I have expended all my available funds in forwarding the work, and if I had the means to continue -would not now ask for any assistance. These explanations must be my apology for troubling you in the matter.

I learn by telegraph from Mr Reed that the cars passed Pulpit Rock yesterday at 11 o'clock. This must be very cheering to you, as it certainly is to me. I congratulate you on your unprecedented success, and beg to assure you, dear sir, that if there is anything in which I can be of service to you, or the company, you may command me.

With sentiments of esteem,

I remain Very truly Yours,
Brigham Young