1869 January 29 Letter to James Spillet


1869 January 29 Letter to James Spillet


A meeting is requested with Bishop Brinton and Spillet in order to hear both sides of a dispute. Spillet is counseled to be humble and prayerful.




Brigham Young


James Spillet


1869 January 29


Salt Lake City
Big Cottonwood


Church Leadership


President's Office
Jan. 29th. 1869

James Spillet,
Big Cottonwood.

Dear Bro:-

It is very unpleasant to hear of any difficulties between the brethren, but when you accuse your bishop of injustice and tyranny it is a grave matter. You say you wish a fair and impartial hearing, as you are charged with things you are not guilty of.

In order to be impartial I must have the hearing of both parties. If Bishop Brinton & you will meet me at my office together, I can hear the case, & then judge upon it.

In the mean time I would advise you to be humble and prayerful, for to be in opposition to your Bishop & to bring such grave accusations against him, while he is sustained in his office by the authorities over him wh is placing yourself on slippery ground.

Your brother in the gospel.
Brigham Young