1869 February 1 Letter to Samuel Roskilly


1869 February 1 Letter to Samuel Roskilly


Roskilly is encouraged to purchase goods through the wholesale cooperative in Salt Lake rather than from the East.




Brigham Young


Samuel Roskilly


1869 February 1


Salt Lake City
Smithfield, Cache County

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Financial Matters


President's Office,
Feb. 1st 1869.

Samuel Roskilly
Smithfield, Cache Co.'

Dear Brother:

In answer to yours for my consent to your going east to purchase goods; I am perfectly willing; but I would suggest to you to consider first whether it would not be more profitable to purchase goods in Salt Lake City at a trade discount than to go east with a limited capital.

Economy is a primary object of Co-operation, but if every branch store sends its own agent east to purchase, that object will not be fully realized.

The Wholesale Co-operative Store when in operation will have its agent a man of experience and sagacity, always in the east and watching the market, to purchase and forward goods so that branch agents can be supplied at home, and thus save the expense of travelling to and fro &c., but it has not been considered wisdom for even the wholesale store to commence operations till goods can be brought by rail right through.

Wishing success to your enterprise I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

Eldredge & Clawson have on hand a heavy stock of goods, and will sell at rates which you will find more profitable than going east with only a small capital.