1869 February 20 Letter to Elroy S. Horne


1869 February 20 Letter to Elroy S. Horne


Horne is directed to W. H. Miles to learn about the gospel which makes bad men good and good men better. Utah rent is about 25% annually.




Brigham Young


Elroy S. Horne


1869 February 20


Salt Lake City
Gardner, Massachusetts


Missionary Work
Financial Matters

Salt Lake City,
Feb. 20th. 1869.

Mr. Elroy S. Horne,
Gardner, Mass.,

Dear Sir:-

Yours of the 4th inst. has come to  hand.

You ask me for all the particulars in regard to our religion. In a letter, this is next to impossible:-- briefly, some of the particulars are these.-- Our religion embraces all the truth in the Universe and we wish to receive and apply it in our lives, so fast as we are able, for our own well being and that of all all the human family. The gospel we preach is calculated to make good men of bad men, and good men better.

Aside from the Gospel this Country would not be coveted by the Latter-day Saints as an abiding place

With reference to the investment of funds;-- we calculate the rents of good houses and buildings at about twenty per cent per annum -- money at twenty-five.

Should you wish to investigate the principles of the Gospel, or to procure our Works, I respectfully refer you to Mr. W.H. Miles, 117 John Street, New York City.

Yours with respect
Brigham Young