1869 March 3 Letter to David Bowen


1869 March 3 Letter to David Bowen


The Spanish Fork Co-opertive Society is successful. Co-operatives stores are opening in Salt Lake and it is hoped that trade with outsiders will desist.




Brigham Young


David Bowen


1869 March 3


Salt Lake City
Spanish Fork City

Number of Pages



Business Matters

Salt Lake City
March 3. 1869.

Mr. David Bowen,
Spanish Fork City.

Dear Bro:-

Your communication respecting the Spanish Fork Co-operative Society has come to hand.

I am pleased to hear of the success of the Institution & sincerely wish that it may continue to prosper.

As to using the Sign, it is our wish that you should do so, & also every Co-operative Institution organized by the brethren, which we expect they will hold sacred I am happy to inform you that on the 1st of March we opened "Zion's Wholesale Co-operative Store." The first Presidency each offered up a prayer, & I had the honour to make the first purchase to the amount of $1000. This was in Bro. Jenning's building, where we have opened with a Stock of Goods of almost every description & at rates which I think will prove satisfactory.

The House recently occupied by Eldredge & Clawson will also be opened in a few days as a Wholesale Co-operative Store, & it is hoped for the good of Israel that the brethren will now exhibit sound sense enough to cancel trading with outsiders in our midst, regardless of all temptations they may offer.

Yours in the Gospel
Brigham Young