1869 March 14 Letter to T. C. Durant


1869 March 14 Letter to T. C. Durant


Brigham asks if Durant is interested in providing Iron and rolling stock for the railroad line from Ogden to Salt Lake City.




Brigham Young


T. C. Durant


1869 March 14


Salt Lake City


Business Matters
Building and Construction


Salt Lake City: U.T.
March 14. 1869.

Hon. T.C. Durant.
Vice Prest. U.P.R.R.

Dear Sir:

I am happy to inform you that the initiatory steps have been taken for the construction of a Branch line of Railroad from Ogden to this City & that the work will commence forthwith. Mr. Joseph A. Young, who was elected by the Board of Directors "General Superintendent" is now engaged to ascertain the best means of procuring the Iron, Rolling Stock. &c. necessary for the Road. I would be pleased to learn, through him, your views relative to your furnishing the Iron & Rolling Stock, and if favorable, upon what conditions you would wish to do so; whether as a loan to the Company, as Stock invested, or partly on both.

Any assistance you can render him in the way of practical suggestions & information that will be beneficial will be considered as a personal & highly esteemed favor by

Your friend and well wisher

Brigham Young
Prest. Utah Central R.R.