1869 March 17 Letter to Joseph W. Young


1869 March 17 Letter to Joseph W. Young


Brigham will reside in Junction City over the winter to motivate others to settle there. He advocates building a dam and gives an update on the local railroad.




Brigham Young


Joseph W. Young


1869 March 17


Salt Lake City
Saint Joseph

Number of Pages



Building and Construction

Salt Lake City, U.T.
March 17. 1869.

Mr. Joseph W. Young,
Saint Joseph.

Dear Bro:-

Your report to Prest. Erastus Snow, has been handed to me & I have read it with considerable interest. I am by no means in favor of abandoning Junction City, on the contrary I hope to have the privilege of locating there a portion of the next winter myself, and I wish to have the place built up, & all the land secured at & around the Mouth of the Virgin as I telegraphed to you a short time since.

I am willing to employ some good man to work for me where his labour can be applied to advantage; if you can find such a person, one that you can trust, who will work & not play, & set him to work I will pay the bill. I will also take as many of the lots as are not wanted by the Settlers. My object is to give an impetus to building up the place.

I like the idea of making the dam & taking out the water at the narrow Kanyon, but I think that the building of culverts & fluming over the three washes is needless labour & expense. When you consider the great rush of water that often comes down those washes, it would sweep out Culverts; flume & everything, while a comparatively small amount of labour & expense each year would suffice to keep the ditch in repairs. It is probably that a flume around the point will be neccessary. I expect to start for Dixie as soon as practicable after Conference & then I will have the opportunity of looking around.

I am glad to be able to inform you that everything seems progressing about as well as we can expect. We are about to build a line of Railroad from Ogden to this City. The Road is being located & we will commence grading as soon as possible. Joseph A. Young started for the east on the 16th inst.; one of the objects of his trip was. to see what he could do about Iron & Rolling Stock. He was accompanied by John W. Young. also Bros Smoot & Charles Crismon who have gone to purchase choice breeds of Sheep. & intend to import quite extensively.

I am thankful to be able to say that my health is good & that of my immediate associates; I trust this will find you well, Respects to all. Praying continually for your prosperity in common with all Israel & for our success is every righteous undertaking

Brigham Young