1869 April 8 Letter to Heber John Richards


1869 April 8 Letter to Heber John Richards


It would be profitable to purchase medicines and a medical skeleton. Richards can return home with Brother Hooper.




Brigham Young


Heber John Richards


1869 April 8


Salt Lake City
New York

Number of Pages



Overland Travel


Salt Lake City. U.T.
April 8. 1869

Heber John Richards
60 East 27th Street N.Y.

Dear Bro:

Bro. H.B. Clawson read to me an extract from a letter wherein you wish to know:--Whether it would be advisable to invest about $100. in the purchase of certain medicines, also, whether you should purchase a skeleton at about $50. & lastly, whether it would be expedient to come home with our emigration. In answer to which I will briefly say: you are at liberty to purchase the medicines & the Skeleton also if you think it will be of any advantage, and you can draw on Bro Hooper for the necessary amount. As we do not expect any of our emigration before June, your arrangements for crossing the plains should be made independent of it. I am informed that Bro Hooper is expected home about the 1st of May.--probably you could accompany him; we shall be pleased to see you on your return.

We are now holding Conference. the weather is fine & the city is crowded with people from the Country. The Meetings are held in the new Tabernacle and the congregations are very large, yet there are very many of the brethren not at conference being busy farming or at work on the railroads. The tenor of the preaching is unity & the reports from the various settlements indicate a remarkably
praiseworthy progress in the temporal as well as the spiritual union of the Saints.
My health has been quite poorly since the 25th of last month. having caught a severe cold that day while attending a meeting, I feel thankful however that I am better than I have been & am able to attend conference & also to do a little preaching.

Trusting this will find you in the enjoyment of health and peace & hoping for your safe & speedy return.

I remain
Your brother in the Gospel