1869 April 17 Letter to John Brown


1869 April 17 Letter to John Brown


Missionary work is favorable in the East. 46 new Missionaries were called. Emigration will begin in June. Henry Naisbett will transact business for the co-ops.




David McKenzie


John Brown


1869 April 17


Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Business Matters


Salt Lake City. U.T.
April 17th. 1869

President John Brown,

Dear Bro:-

Your interesting letter has been received & sent to the "Deseret News" for publication.

President Brigham Young started last Wednesday on a visit to "Dixie," & intending to visit & instruct the Saints in the Southern Settlements. He was accompanied by Prest. Wells. & others. In his absence, Prest. George A. Smith desires me to answer your letter; he is much gratified with the favorable report of your mission & the labors of the Elders generally.

With regard to the Emigration I can only say, that arrangements are not yet perfected with the Railroad Company, no do we expect that they will, till after the President's return. It is understood at present that the Saints will not leave England before the 1st of June; this is considered to be early enough as only Steamships will be employed in their transit.

You have no doubt heard all the news from Elders Joseph A. & John W. Young, I will only add, that Elder Henry W. Naisbett has gone east to transact business for the Co-operative Mercantile Institution which will call him to visit all the principal cities in the East, so that you will probably soon meet with him.

President Smith desires to be remembered to you & all the Elders & that you may have every blessing neccessary for the accomplishment of your mission

Your Brother in the Gospel.

D. McKenzie
Clk. for Prest. B. Young.

At the April Conference, 46 Missionaries were called, mostly for the British Islands: among whom were 5
for the States viz:-- Geo W. Thurmond, (south) Samuel Savery (Oneida Co.) Richard Beard (South)
George Moeser (Eastern) & Henry Rudy. (Penn.)
D. Mck.