1869 May 28 Letter to H. W. Naisbitt


1869 May 28 Letter to H. W. Naisbitt


A few changes are suggested before printing Certificates. A specimen of oil is of good quality.




Brigham Young


H. W. Naisbitt


1869 May 28


Salt Lake City


Business Matters


Salt Lake City,
May 28. 1869.

Mr. H. W. Naisbitt
S. L. City

Dear Bro:-

Your favor of the with accompanying proof sheet has been received. It gives good satisfaction & with a slight alteration should be put to press immediately, as the Certificates have been wanted for some time. The alteration is merely to raise the dotted line for the Clerk's name; also to put another hair line inside the border as marked. The number to be printed is (as before ordered) 6000, on good paper, in black ink & forwarded to H. B. Clawson, soon as done.

The specimens of Oil came to hand by Bro Sloan, about 2 weeks ago. for which accept my thanks, the samples appear to be of a superior quality. I have instructed Bro. Clawson to order a small quantity of it.

The lard we do not want for Woollen purposes.

Thanking you for your well wishes & praying that you may continue to prosper & be successful in the business in which you are engaged

I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young