1869 June 4 Letter to the Brethren in Southern Utah


1869 June 4 Letter to the Brethren in Southern Utah


Jacob Hamblin will arm his Indians in order to protect them from the Navajos. The Piedes and Mosquitch are encouraged to settle at Pipe Creek.




Brigham Young


The Brethren in Southern Utah


1869 June 4


Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

President's Office,
Salt Lake City
June 4th. 1869.

To the Brethren in Southern Utah:-

We have instructed Bro Jacob Hamblin to furnish his Indians some arms, ammunition & if necessary, some horses, say. for about Ten men, to organize them as well as possible, so that they may be continually on the alert for defense against the depredations of the Navajoes.

It is our opinion that this policy if properly carried out will effect a saving of probably more than 75% in Indian depredations, we would therefore urge upon the Brethren of Southern Utah, the importance of aiding Bro. Hamblin by every means in their power.

These Indians will require Provisions & occasionally a Beef & we have authorized Bro Hamblin to draw, when necessary, from the General Tithing Account.

We wish the Piedes to be encouraged in settling at Pipe Creek. & if some of the old men of the Mosquitch tribe desire to settle there also. we have no objection.

We wish emphatically to impress on the minds of the Brethren that we are opposed to the shedding of Indian blood, & to withold from acts of bloodshed unless they become absolutely necessary for the defense of lives or property.

Your Brethren in the Gospel

Brigham Young
George A Smith
Daniel H Wells