1869 June 9 Letter to Abraham Owen Smoot


1869 June 9 Letter to Abraham Owen Smoot


Brigham will travel to Ogden to determine the location of the Central Utah Railroad. Smoot will have charge of the factory. Money will be sent for machinery but other expenses will not be paid in currency.




Brigham Young


Abraham Owen Smoot


1869 June 9


Salt Lake City

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.
June 9. 1869

Bishop A. O. Smoot.
Provo City.

Dear Bro:-

Yours of yesterday has been received.I start from home to morrow, intending however to have the Bishops this side of Ogden join me to morrow & determine the exact line whereon we will build our Railroad. I expect to reach Ogden on Friday & have 2 days meeting there, viz, Saturday & Sunday & than proceed to Bear Lake.

You will therefore have to exercise your best judgement with regard to the Factory & all other matters which will come before you for consideration,

I designed that the Flour sent up should be used for the House and the Factory.

I expect to send more flour up. & such other pay as I can make, but with regard to money I wish it distinctly understood that if I furnish the money for the Machinery, it is as much as I feel like doing & I think that the Brethren should be magnanimous enough to admit that to be my share & to be willing to take such other pay for their labour as we can make.

You are at liberty to offer Noon & Wince whatever kind of pay you think proper, but if we cannot build the Factory without paying out money for everything we had better stop right here, and go no further.

Your brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young