1869 June 25 Letter to Sweet & Scofield


1869 June 25 Letter to Sweet & Scofield


The bill was not settled because Brigham did not authorize the suit. Property in Florence, Nebraska is offered as a compromise.




David McKenzie


Sweet & Scofield


1869 June 25


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Salt Lake City. U. T.
June 25th 1869

Messr. Sweet & Scofield
Nebraska City


Yours of the 21st has been received. Prest Young is on a tour through the north western part of the Territory & will not return for some time. I will state however that the delay in settling your bill is solely because he never authorized the suit, and cannot learn who did authorize it.

Mr Caine knows nothing about the last suit, but holds your receipt in payment of one. Mr Bullock has left the City. Mr. Riter is named as a person most likely to know about it, accordingly a letter was written to Mr Riter who was then engaged on the Pacific Railroad but no answer has been received.

In the meantime the President received a proposition from a party offering to purchase from him a tract of land in Florence, Neb. known as the "Mormon Grant," and suggested to me to make you an offer of this land, (I suppose as a compromise, as nothing has been discovered further) My duty was to have written to you then but I did not partially from an excess of business, but chiefly because I expected every day to hear from Mr. Riter.

Another application to purchase this land was received a day or two since from J. R. Taylor & Co. Omaha. The land I suppose is becoming valuable; it consists of 7 or 8 acres, with Warehouse of some kind upon it.

I should be pleased to hear form you relative to this, before submitting your letter to the President.

Yours with respect

D. McKenzie Secy.
for President B. Young.

P. S. Address same as before