1869 July 10 Letter to A. Carrington


1869 July 10 Letter to A. Carrington


Drafts are sent. William Showell's sister should not be emigrated with the Saints unless she is a faithful Latter Day Saint.




T. W. Ellerbeck


Albert Carrington


1869 July 10


Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.
July 10th 1869.

Elder A. Carrington
42, Islington, Liverpool, Eng.

Dear Bro:-

Enclosed are Prest. Young's drafts on you. No. 1928 £67.2.10, No. 1930 £33.11.5., No. 1931, £25.00 and No 1929 £41.8.6. The last is favor Wm Taylor, Missy. and is sent by Wm Whitehead of Franklin to be used as directed by him. Yesterday, Wm. Showell (of apostate notoriety) of this city purchased a draft on us for £57.2.10 and endorsed it to Mrs. Johnson, Buxton, London with the object of getting her and her
children to come with the Saints to Utah, as an economical measure, I presume. He said she is his sister and belongs to the Church and if she is a Saint it may be the last of her faith when she begins to
associate with that part of her family who are here. I told him the P. E. F. Co. was organized only to
gather <our> own people, and he could not expect us to gather others or have them take advantage of
our cheap rates. Your best judgment is needed in such cases, and if she is not of a very different stamp
from her brothers here, they are not to be brought, for as a rule we are only to gather Saints. He is going
to write you about it. The draft he insists is not to be paid only as they emigrate,--which is contrary to
the president's last instructions to us, that is -- if the people wont donate the money to the Fund, then
they must have a sight draft, to be bona fidely endorsed and paid, a copy of which instructions being
herewith enclosed. They, the people, wish in very many cases to pre-pay the fares of parties through to
the Valley, but if they wont come to have the privilege of withdrawing the money, which no carrying
company could consent to, and we are compelled to issue unconditional drafts of the strictest business
kind to get along with the business in such cases, and if the draft of said Showell is not (as well as all
others) properly endorsed, it should not be paid in any way, and whenever a draft is properly endorsed
and payment is stopped, then I think you should pay it by an order on this Office, deducting the
commission which you charge in cases of transmitting money here.

Enclosed is a copy of letter I sent you the other day about the Minnesota passengers &c. -- which I am
anxious for you to get.

Praying for your welfare, bro. Geo. Teasdale and the rest.

I remain Your friend & brother,

T. W. Ellerbeck
Chf Clk T. in T.