1869 July 12 Letter to the Author of "History & Philsophy of Marriage."


1869 July 12 Letter to the Author of "History & Philsophy of Marriage."


Brigham will read the book to examine the extended views on polygamy.




Brigham Young


Author of History & Philosophy of Marriage


1869 July 12


Salt Lake City
Boston, Marriage



Salt Lake City, U. T.
July 12. 1869

Author of "Histy. & Philsy of Marriage," Care of James Campbell Esqr.
18, Tremont St. Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

Your favor of the 22 Ult. has been received. I have heard of your treatise on Polygamy but know nothing of its merits. Of the gentlemen mentioned in your letter, -- Messrs Staines & Naisbitt are in the East, & I have had no opportunity of speaking with the others on the subject; I will inquire however, but, in the meantime, permit me to suggest that in no part of Christendom has the subject of Polygamy been already more thoroughly ventilated than in Utah Territory. At the same time, you may have additional views & more extended argument on this subject, which, so far as correct we would be pleased to become acquainted with, & with this object I shall read your book with some interest.

Send me a copy and I will remit the price upon receipt.

Yours with respect