1869 July 15 Letter to Albert Carrington


1869 July 15 Letter to Albert Carrington




T. W. Ellerbeck


Albert Carrington


1869 July 15


Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England


President's Office,
Salt Lake City, U. T.
July 15. 1869

Elder A. Carrington
42 Islington, Liverpool, England.

Dear bro:-

Our draft No. 1737 £9. Thomas T. Thomas has been paid here. President Young wishes our Drft #1365 £8.7.2 paid to Harriet Thomas 49 Lewis (or Jawis) Street, Aberaman, near Aberdare. This dft was reported settled by Lpool Office, but not having been paid in a correct business way, has now to be paid again, to the person abovenamed. See letter of F. D. Richards, July 20/68 to Watkin Rees, Utah, enclosed.

Money is remarkably scarce, with poor prospects from the Railroad Co. of an early settlement.

Elder Jno. Jacques is to start within four days certain.

Yours truly
T. W. Ellerbeck