1869 July 22 Letter to John B. Milner


1869 July 22 Letter to John B. Milner


Currency is returned to Milner as drafts are not issued for small amounts. The fees for sending money to England are explained.




[Brigham Young]


John B. Milner


1869 July 22


Salt Lake City
Provo, Utah


Financial Matters

Salt Lake City. U. T.

July 22, 1869.

John B. Milner Esqr.
Provo City, Utah Co.

Dear Brother:-- Your note of the 20th inst., making enquiry about draft has just come to hand.

Allow me to inform you that it is very expensive to express money to England; and as we have to send the money there to meet our drafts; we are under the necessity of charging five dollars in gold for one pound Sterling, to defray the charges for transmitting the money; and we charge two per cent for the expense of the draft clerk hire &c.

This is as low as you can get the business done by any banking house in this city. If you will compute the amt. you paid me viz $106.50 Coin <as above> you will find that £20.18.0 Sterling is the correct amount.

I herewith return you the five dollars currency as we do not issue drafts for so small an amount at present. Your best plan is to send the currency to England as it can be easily exchanged there for the gold, and the risk is small

Very respectfully

Your brother in the Gospel