1869 August 3 Letter to William C. Staines


1869 August 3 Letter to William C. Staines


The Gowan family should be emigrated. A check is sent to be credited to the Liverpool Office. Staines should delay purchasing railroad fares for the emigration.


CorrespondenceT. W. Ellerbeck


William C. Staines


William C. Staines


1869 August 3


Salt Lake City
New York City


Financial Matters


Salt Lake City, U. T.
Aug. 3, 1869

William C. Staines Esq.
3918 P. O. Box, New York city.

Dear Bro:

The family whose address is given below are to be brought out this season. They were ordered out last season, but failed for some reason.

Enclosed is Check of Hussey Dahler & Co. on Gilman Son & Co. New York, for Four Thousand Dollars, ($4000.00) endorsed to your name. You will please credit the Liverpool Office with this sum, and advise bro Carrington accordingly that you have received said amount, which will be as good to you as if he remitted the amount to you.

I suggest that you waive paying the R. R. fares at all till the last, as you may be able to make a turn on the Presidents Account with the U. P. R. R. but dont say anything about it till the Companies are all through.

Enclosed is B. Y. draft on you No 5 for $110.00

With kind regards,

T. W. Ellerbeck
Clk for T. in T.

James Gowans, wife &
9 children Paris, Ontario, Canada West