1869 August 4 Letter to Joseph A. Young


1869 August 4 Letter to Joseph A. Young


Ferramorz Little's Report on the Central Utah Railroad is enclosed. Crops will be fair despite the grasshoppers. Two companies are mentioned as prospects for railroad equipment. Brigham expresses interest in wood pressure carving.




Brigham Young


Joseph A. Young


1869 August 4


Salt Lake City
New York City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters


Salt Lake City, U. T.
Augt. 4. 1869.

Mr. Joseph A. Young
New York City.

My Dear Son:-

I received your Telegram last evening, upon receipt of which I immediately telegraphed to Bro Little who makes the accompanying Report, I also send you per mail a copy of the Laws of Utah as requested.

I am pleased to be able to say that my health is good, & that of my immediate associates & your family I believe are all well. Our harvesting is going on favorably. The small grains are mostly cut; the hay is being hauled in and the grasshoppers are at their old work again on everything green that remains.

Notwithstanding the prodigious numbers of the voracious destroyers that have visited nearly all the Settlements this season, the Crops will be very fair.

I presume that your letter will give us some idea how you are progressing; we expect you to use your influence, & to help by every means in your power, in the efforts made to obtain our pay from the Railroad Company.

Among the many visitors temporarily sojourning here, is Dr. Fuller of Chicago. Among other things worthy of notice he shewed us an advertisement of the "Parker Railway Frog Company" describing their Steel Rail Frog which appears to be in very general use on the leading Railroads, and may be worthy of your attention. The Company's address in New York is Room 14, No. 19. Nassau St.

Mr. J. B. Kemp. 306 Market St. Wilmington, Del. sends his regards to you in a letter to John W. he mentions that he met you on the U. P. His object in writing is to solicit attention to the "Harlan & Hollinsworth Car" and promising in the name of Mr. Gause, the active manager of the Co. with whom he had an interview, "to place on the road a good car and at as low a figure as any Company in the States. Their place is in Wilmington.

Dr. Fuller also shewed me specimens of what is termed bas relief work in wood, used for Cabinet work mostly, and what seems strange about it is, that it is done by pressure, and really looks like the finest carving. The Dr could not explain the process minutely, nor did he know the address of the manufacturer further than that it was in the "Boston Coloseum" he procured the specimens from a friend. If it comes in your way, & your time will permit I would like you to see the operation.

We are progressing finely with the Utah Central, & will be able to finish up <the grading> if necessary in two or three weeks. The ties too are being got out quite rapidly.

Your affectionate Father.

Brigham Young

Report by Asst. Supt. Ferramorz Little.
Augt. 4. 1869.

The entire line is located & cross sectioned except in a few fields where the grain prevented.

The Engineers have furnished me bills for all the timbers in all about 200,000 feet, which is all contracted for & a considerable amount of it is now on the ground.

The Ties are likewise all contracted for, and they are being delivered. 30,000 are being cut in Weber Kanyon, hauled & piled ready for shipping by the U. P. Road when we want them.

The Weber bridge was commenced on the 12th July. We are piling 700 ft. The Piles & square timber for the Bridge, are all on the ground.

From the Weber river on the opposite side, 14 3/4 miles to Kay's Creek is graded. Through some of the fields we have been delayed on account of the grain & hay, but the harvest is over.

The heavy work on Haight's bench is completed.

Men are engaged on the rest of the road & the whole may be completed ready for the ties in the course of 2 or 3 weeks

Ferramorz Little
pr D. McK.
S. L. City, U. T