1869 August 9 Letter to William C. Staines


1869 August 9 Letter to William C. Staines


A draft is sent to be credited to the Liverpool Office. Passenger fares should be charged to Brigham's Union Pacific account.




T. W. Ellerbeck


William C. Staines


1869 August 9


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T. Aug 9 1869.
Elder William C. Staines
Box 3918 Post Office, New York.

Dear Bro:-

By direction of Prest. Young, on the 3rd inst. I remitted you, to above address, a Draft of Hussey Dahler & Co. on Gilman Son & Co. for $4000.00 And now, enclosed herewith is Draft No 129 of Hooper Eldredge & Co on Riggs & Co New York, for Five Thousand (5000) Cy. dolls endorsed to your order.

You are to consider the above money as sent by the L'pool Office to you, and credit and receipt bro Carrington accordingly.

It seems improbable that we shall send you any more money, and you should, if possible, unless you get word to the contrary, in settling with the Railroad Co, get them to take Brigham Young's order on the Union Pacific Railroad Co. for the amount, and if you succeed in doing this, every dollar that you can scrape together and spare, should be remitted to the Liverpool Office, as it is in need of funds. If you do not succeed in doing this for the whole of the distance, you can almost to a certainty get the distance from Omaha to Ogden paid on B. Young's Account as above stated, as there can be no decent objection to that.

If you can do nothing of the kind, you will very likely be exceedingly short of money, and may have to come away without paying the Railroad Co. in full for the passengers fares.

Your brother in the Gospel,

T. W. Ellerbeck