1869 August 12 Letter to Mr Duff


1869 August 12 Letter to Mr Duff


Mr Bushnel failed to settle the Union Pacific's contract. John Sharp has been sent to Boston to secure the settlement.




Brigham Young


Mr Duff


1869 August 12


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters


Salt Lake City, U. T.
August 12. 1869.

Mr Duff,

Vice President of the U. P. R R Co., Boston.

Dear Sir:-

Some six weeks since, Mr Bushnel, one of the Directors of the U. P. R R called upon me at this city, stating that he was authorized by the Board of Directors at Boston to come west, and make a settlement with me for grading and other work on the line, and that upon his return from California my accounts were to be in readiness, and he would settle up. Everything was done on my part, but upon his return he did not call upon me,-- my agent however saw him at Ogden, in the cars, and gave him my accounts, -but he paid nothing, as he was going forward with the eastern train.

To say the least, it is strange treatment of my account after the exertions made to put the grading through for the Company. It is not for myself that I urge, but for the thousands that have done the work, and have been waiting from half to three quarters of a year for their pay.

I have appointed Mr Jno Sharp of this city my Attorney to receive payment, and he has been at Boston for this purpose <some time> but I cannot learn that there has anything been done in the premises.

Will you have the kindness at this late date to have my Account paid without longer delay, and oblige

Respectfully yours,

Brigham Young