1869 August 14 Letter to T. C. Durant


1869 August 14 Letter to T. C. Durant


Durant is asked to use his influence to encourage the Union Pacific to pay their contract.




Brigham Young


T. C. Durant


1869 August 14


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, Utah Territory,
Aug. 14. 1869.

Hon. T. C. Durant,
Office of the U. P. R. R. Co

Dear Sir:-

You have probably learned ere now of the large amount still due to me by the U. P. R. R. Co. for work done on the construction of the road. Much of that work was done with a view on my part to facilities the operations of the U. P. R. R. Co, and altho' they were much behind in their monthly payments, everything was done to aid them that I could do under the circumstances.

I have at length received the measurements of my work as given by your officers, which are principally unquestioned, but Mr. Sharp, whom I have appointed my Attorney to go to Boston, has my full account, and in behalf of the thousands who did the work and have now waited from half to three quarters of a year for their pay I solicit your aid and influence in return for ours, that Mr Sharp may receive payment without further delay, assuring you that it will always be highly appreciated by

Yours very respectfully,

Brigham Young