1869 August 14 Letter to John Sharp


1869 August 14 Letter to John Sharp


Sharp should do all he can to obtain payment from the railroad. He should not accept a lesser settlement then what is due.




Brigham Young


John Sharp


1869 August 14


Salt Lake City


Financial Matters


Salt Lake City, U. T. Aug. 14. 1869.

Mr Jno Sharp
American House, Boston.

Dear bro:-

Yours of 7th inst. came to hand yesterday. As I had not heard from you since your arrival at Boston I judged nothing very favorable had transpired, and on the 12th inst I wrote to the President of the U. P. R., to the Vice President, and to Mr Bushnel, desiring them at this late date to settle my accounts through you, as my Attorney, as you were at Boston for this purpose. With this mail I shall also write to
Dr Durant asking his aid in the matter in return for the aid we rendered him in pushing the work for the U P.R.R. Co.

Whilst I wish you to pursue the object of your appointment with all due diligence, you need not be at all alarmed about their not paying, nor must you stoop to any compromise that may deprive us of our just dues, for they will pay us, and have <got> plenty of means to do it with. If the money to pay the brethren with cannot be got now, get the Iron and Rolling Stock at advantageous figures, and then we
will rest awhile, but make no compromise to reduce our claim.

Your family are well, and you have the faith and prayer of your brother,

Brigham Young