1869 August 24 Letter to W. C. Staines


1869 August 24 Letter to W. C. Staines


Funds are sent. Staines is asked to prepare for emigrants to stay in the East if funds fall short of bring them through to Utah.




Brigham Young


W. C. Staines


1869 August 24


Salt Lake City
New York

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.
Tuesday Aug 24. 1869.

Elder W. C. Staines,
No 3918, P. O. box, New York.

Dear Bro:-
Enclosed is a draft for Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.) No. 14850, on Gilman, Son & Co. New York, made payable by my endorsement to yourself. Collect it at once, and have it placed so that you can use it. You will credit the Liverpool Office as before.

The prospects for funds are so dull, that it may become necessary for some of the emigrants to remain in the States, if bro Carrington should be unable to forward to you the funds necessary to put them through, and if so undesirable a result should take place, it would be well if you could previously find some suitable places in Pennsylvania or Jersey <or some place> where they would be most likely to get employment, and ship them there. We will do all we can however and trust that it may not be necessary. It would be well however for you to be prepared beforehand for such an emergency, and if you have time take a journey to those places, so as to make yourself acquainted with what you can do, in case it should be necessary or unavoidable that they remain.

The Company by the Colorado arrived at Ogden last Friday (20th) afternoon, all right; as all the Companies previous have arrived well and in good running time.

With my best wishes for your welfare and praying the Lord to bless you in your labors.

I remain, Your brother,

Brigham Young

P. S. On the 3rd inst we sent you Hussey Dahler & Co's Dft on Gilman Son & Co. $4000.00 and on the 9th we sent Dft No. 129. of Hooper Eldredge & Co, on Riggs & Co. New York for $5000.00 Have you recd the latter? Yours of 17th inst received.

B. Y.