1869 August 27 Letter to W. C. Staines


1869 August 27 Letter to W. C. Staines


A draft is sent to be credited to the Liverpool Office.




T. W. Ellerbeck


W. C. Staines


1869 August 27


Salt Lake City
New York


Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.
Aug 27. 1869

Mr. W. C. Staines,
No 3918 Post Office Box, New York City.

Dear Bro:-

Enclosed is Dft No 149 of this date of Hooper Eldredge & Co. for Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.) on Riggs & Co. to your order which you are to collect and place to credit of Liverpool office on your books and receipt to bro Carrington therefor. This is so much better than it was anticipated we should be able to do; but we shall do the very best we can to aid you in the matter of funds, and if we can get hold of any more funds (as there is some lent out) they will be forwarded, but it is questionable.

Yours truly,

T. W. Ellerbeck
Clk for T. in T.