1869 September 5 Letter to Joseph A. Young


1869 September 5 Letter to Joseph A. Young


The Utah Central Railroad Board of Directors approved a bond. Details are given on railroad construction and a 10% assessment is made on construction stock. The harvest is abundant and many people visit Utah. Ezra T. Benson died unexpectedly.




Brigham Young


Joseph A. Young


1869 September 5


Salt Lake City
Boston, Massachusetts

Number of Pages



Legal Matters
Financial Matters
Building and Construction

Salt Lake City, U. T.
Sept. 5, 1869.

Mr. Joseph A. Young
Boston, Mass.

My dear Son:-

I take pleasure in writing a few lines to give you the general news and more particularly such items as concern the business in which you are engaged.

On Saturday the Board of Directors of the U.C.R.R. met to consider the "Form of Bonds" and Trustee Certificate. The Bond was unanimously approved, & the Certificate, also, with one exception,-- it was thought that the term "personal property" should be made to indicate "Company property," but it was left for advisement. We trust to your judgement on this point and on all the legal formalities involved.

A third assessment of ten per cent was made on all the stock subscribed to aid in the construction of the road.

Bro. Little reports that from where we broke ground across the U.P.R. to the river the ties are laid 500 feet of Piling is driven (having 200 feet to drive) for the Weber bridge. We are framing and capping the Piling.

Mr Engineer U.P.R.R. has prepared to make connection or switch at Ogden to join the two roads. If we will grade and tie it they will furnish and lay the rails. Which we accepted and it will be done without delay.

Bro. Sharp's letter of the 26th ult. has just come to hand. we are glad to hear of your welfare.

We would be pleased to learn whether the circumstances of having had no Congressional action on the U. C. is likely to affect your negociations.

I find upon inquiry of Bro. Stout that he did not send Director's Affidavit with the other papers but he will prepare it and forward without delay.

Among the many strangers who have visited us lately, Geo. Francis Train for his eccentricities is perhaps the most worthy of notice. Two nights he lectured in the Theatre to an audience immensely amused by his oddities, yet strongly interested by the shrewdness of his observations. We send you a synopsis of his second lecture, though you cannot appreciate it so thoroughly as if you had heard it delivered. Our people enjoyed him and his eccentric lecture very much.

My health has been very good, but attention to business and the fatigue of the office make me feel weary, and I am admonished to take a trip through some of the Settlements; next week I intend to visit Brigham City and the following week [?]

Bro. John Sharp's Telegram has just been received. It has occasioned no little satisfaction.

Almost immediately after John's telegram was received a dispatch from Elder F. D. Richards announcing the sudden death of Elder Ezra T. Benson at Ogden at 7. P. M. while engaged in doctoring a sick horse; he dropped down suddenly dead.

My associates are well and everything seems moving along about right. Brigham, jun. has just recovered from a severe cold: and John W. from sickness occasioned by vaccination, they send their regards.

We are having a most abundant harvest. The wheat thrashes out well, and notwithstanding the ravages of the grasshoppers the crops are very large. Barley and Oats are not so plentiful and the corn is severely injured still there will be an abundant harvest.

We pray for you continually that you may be blessed with wisdom and prudence and preserved from every evil.

Your Affectionate Father