1869 September 8 Letter to W. C. Staines


1869 September 8 Letter to W. C. Staines


Many factors have hindered the Saints from assisting the emigration. Until those people who have been promised assistance have emigrated others cannot be helped. H. W. Church is released due to illness and Ezra T. Benson has died.




David McKenzie


W. C. Staines


1869 September 8


Salt Lake City
New York City

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Salt Lake City. U. T.
September 8. 1869.

Mr. W. C. Staines,
N. Y. City.

Dear Bro:-

Yours of the 2nd inst. & one from Bro Miles of the 1st were received with last night's mail.

We were pleased to hear from you both. The Immigration this season, has, from sundry causes been very much cramped. First.-- The Securing of our lands from Government has swallowed up a large amount of money. Second.-- The failure of the Railroad Companies to pay their debts. Third.-- The limited Cash market for Produce this season. For these & other minor reasons, much less has been done by the Saints here to assist their friends abroad than we could have wished, and so far as we know at present not a dollar more need be expected this season.

On the 3rd inst. we telegraphed Bro. Carrington advising him of amount sent to you; & to forward those parties only, whose names appear on the list drawn up at this office, not one of whom, notwithstanding our promises to their friends has yet come on. Until those parties are all brought through or arranged for we can hold out no encouragement to assist any others.

H. W. Church, Tom's Creek, Surrey Co. N. C. is reported by Bro. Boyle as being sick & unfit for the duties of his Mission We have written to release him & should he require assistance we would be pleased to have you aid him.