1869 September 30 Letter to C. G. Hammond


1869 September 30 Letter to C. G. Hammond


Brigham advocates for a low tariff for the railroad and he would like to purchase a locomotive from the Union Pacific.




Brigham Young


C. G. Hammond


1869 September 30


Salt Lake City, Utah
Omaha, Nebraska

Number of Pages



Business Matters
Financial Matters

Salt Lake City
September 30. 1869.

C. G. Hammond Esq.
Gen. Sup. U. P. R. R.
Omaha, Neb.

Dear Sir:-

As the "Utah Central" is approaching completion, the attention of the Directors is called to the subject of tariff on the road, & they solicit from you special proposals of the terms upon which they may use that portion of the U. P. R. R. between Weber & Ogden for the shipment of coal. They will use their own Rolling-Stock or not as may be agreed on.

We contemplate placing our tariff at low figures & would suggest for your consideration the importance of securing the traffic of our people residing on the Weber & Settlements on Bear River. There is a great deal of Wagoning done now which may be done by rail if terms are good.

We are sending out a number of Missionaries to the U. S. this fall, many of whom are poor, they would like to know upon what terms they could charter a second-class car from Ogden to Omaha.

When the Passengers Tariff is sufficiently reduced there are very many of our people who will visit their friends in the east, who at present cannot afford to do so.

We are much in need of a Locomotive to operate with on the U. C. & if still agreeable to the U. P. Co. to furnish us, we would be much pleased to have a first class. A. No. 1. Locomotive (say 30 tons) as soon as practicable.

Wishing you every success, & hoping to see you soon in the City, when I trust you will call upon me, we can converse on these & other matters of business.

Yours with respect

Brigham Young