1869 October 7 Letter to John Sharp


1869 October 7 Letter to John Sharp


The U. P. R. R. is in forfeit of their contract. Sharp is counseled to secure witnesses that he was present and prepared for arbitration per the contract.




Brigham Young


John Sharp


1869 October 7


Salt Lake City, Utah
Omaha, Nebraska


Business Matters
Legal Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.

Oct. 7. 1869.

Bishop John Sharp.

Dear Bro:-

Your interesting letter of the 3rd inst. just received.

The case is certainly a complete failure on the part of the U.P.R.R. to comply with the spirit of the contract, & unless their is some loop-hole -- or legal technicality whereby they hope to escape, it is an equally complete failure in the letter of the contract also.

I would advise you to stay no longer than is necessary to finish up your business. Procure competent witnesses & make affidavit that you were on the ground prepared for the arbitration as per the terms of the contract. Notify Mr. Rollins & the department at Boston to that effect & tell them you are about to return home, & that you hold them forfeit. Be guided by the promptings of the "still small voice" & all will be well.

Your Bro. in the Gospel,

Brigham Young