1869 November 11 Letter to Brigham Young Jr.


1869 November 11 Letter to Brigham Young Jr.


A synopsis of Brigham Jr's interview with the "Post" was published in the "Deseret News". Brigham Sr held 27 meetings throughout Sanpete County.




[Brigham Young]


Brigham Young Jr.


1869 November 11


Salt Lake City, Utah
Brigham Young Jr.



Salt Lake City. U. T.
November 11. 1869.

Elder Brigham Young Jr.
1315 Coates St.

My dear Son:-

Your letters of the 23 & 28 ult with accompanying clippings have been received. A synopsis of your interview with the "Post" reporter was published in the Deseret Evening News." I was much pleased to hear from you.

On the 26th ult. I started (accompanied by some of the brethren) on a trip to the settlements in Utah, Juab & Sanpete Counties. The people everywhere received us with demonstrations of welcome. At Ft Ephraim we had a grand torchlight reception, & the Chinese Canters & transparencies were very effective. Take it altogether, it was a season of rejoicing. The teachings given were of a thoroughly practical character, adapted to the instruction of all, & on a variety of subjects of interest. In eleven days we travelled about 300 miles -- visited 20 Settlements & held 27 meetings, to accomplish this we divided our party into 3 divisions a portion of the time. I took a cold attended with hoarseness, from exposure to the early morning air while travelling, but the effects of it have almost disappeared for which I feel very thankful