Salt Lake City, U. T.
November 29. 1869.
Brigham Young Jr. Esqr.
My dear Son:--
Yours of the 20th inst. has been received. I was pleased to hear from you & to learn that you were well. Your former letter (without date) was also received. Your request to send Mr. Cheney, at Boston, the "Book of Mormon," "Voice of Warning" & "O. Spencer's Letters" was compiled with.
On the 15th I telegraphed to you (279, Broadway. N. Y.) that Jos. A. would not start from here before the 30th & that you need not wait for him. And as your letter indicated you had not received the telegram, I sent again to 1315 Coates St. which I hope you received. Jos. A. is waiting Captn Hooper's movements & will start for the east on U. C. R. R. business as soon as he hears from the Captn.
We are progressing finely with our railroad, the track is at Farmington. Last Sunday (21st) we received 2 first class cars, upon which citizens of Ogden took an excursion to Kay's Ward & back & enjoyed it much. fare only 50¢. This is the first earnings of the U. C. R. R. We expect to start a Depot for coal, & to open Passenger & Freight Department when the switch at Farmington is completed.
You are doubtless aware that the Junction of the U. P. R. R. and C. P. R. R. is to be at Ogden after all. Jos. A. is there, pointing out the site for Depots & rendering every accomodation in his power to the Agent of both roads.
We have paid Mr. Majors & Mr. McNasser for the ties they furnished amounting to $35,665.55. for this purpose I loaned the U. C. Company the U.P.R.R. note to me of $57,669.54. due in February, this note the Co. hypothecated with Hooper, Eldredge & Co. & Mr. Majors. Mr. McNasser & other creditors are authorized to draw thereon when the note has reached maturity. This is done to avoid the necessity (as far as possible) of issuing bonds outside the Territory, though we will have to do so, to some extent, and the fact of their being only a limited number put upon the market will ensure their success, when this becomes known. I am pleased to say our home capitalists are making up to the importance of this railroad.
You mention Wm. S. Godbe's name & say you cannot understand how he has been led astray. It is the old story:-- The cares of the world have choked the good seed & the devil has taken the advantage. A babble clique self styled the "Church of Zion" composed of E. L. T. Harrison, W. S. Godbe; Wm. H. Shearman; Eli B. Kelsey; (& others leaning that way whose names will soon appear). have apostatized & shewn their colors, which is simply:-- Every man for himself & the devil for all. I am credibly informed they have communications with a certain class of spirits & intend shortly to declare some kind of bogus organization. seen. It makes it rather awkward for them that I cracked the shell before the chick was ready to hatch out. What kind of life the thing will have, if any, will soon be made manifest. The clique announce the publication shortly of "The Mormon Tribune" "The organ of liberty & progress in Utah" to be published every Saturday price $5.00 per annum. This paper proposes to advocate "the religious tenets of the people of Utah & the rights & privileges of all faiths" "To encouragement the development of the natural resources of the Territory & "contend for untrammelled trading relations with honorable business men of all creeds."
Elder Robert T. Burton has gone to New York City & will take supervision of the Mission in the U. S.; he has not left his address with me, but, probably, the old address O. O. Box 3918 will find him.
At present I do not know anything to require your attention in the east so you can suit yourself when you return.
We have had considerable of wet weather within the last few weeks & now a thick coat of snow covers this portion of mother earth & is very generally throughout the Territory, except in the extreme south.
I am happy to state my health is good & that of my immediate associates. Jos. A. Young & John W. Young are indefatiguably engaged on the U. C. R. R. This morning (30) the track was of the switch at Farmington. Love to all.
God bless & preserve you is the wish of
Your affectionate father
Brigham Young
P. S.
If you wish to take a preaching mission & travel & preach like the rest of the Elders, without purse & script you may consider yourself appointed.
B. Y.