1869 December 29 Letter to Milo Andrus


1869 December 29 Letter to Milo Andrus


Many in the East are interested in financial opportunities in Utah rather than the gospel. One hundred dollars is sent to Andrus. The Central Utah Railroad may reach Salt Lake by January.




Brigham Young


Milo Andrus


1869 December 29


Salt Lake City, Utah
Birmingham, Ohio

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Missionary Work

Salt Lake City, U. T.
December 29. 1869

Mr. Milo Andrus
Birmingham, Erie Co. Ohio.

Dear Bro:-

I have received your interesting letter of the 13th. inst. & was much pleased to hear from you. It is very gratifying to hear from the Elders labouring in the vineyard & to learn of their efforts to spread the truth. Their general testimony is, however, that there is very little anxiety among the people, to embrace the gospel, the chief inquiry being "Can we get rich in Utah" Still there is occasionally one who yields obedience to the first principles of the Gospel.

I send you with this a check for $100.00 please acknowledge its receipt.

By reference to your account I find that there is $108.84 to your credit, but we hold your obligation to pay Prest. D. H. Wells from this account, $134.60. this would leave you in debt $25.76.

I send you this money, <viz $100. P. O. Orders on Sandusky> however, that you may have the required assistance, and, therefore, Bro Wells' claim against you will rest as it is for the present.

I have just returned from an inspection of track-laying on the U.C.R.R. which will be completed to Centreville to-day; enough iron is on the way to finish the road to Salt Lake City, so that, if not blocked by snow, it is fair to suppose the Locomotive will reach here early in January.

All is well among the Saints, a few of the discontented are joining Godbe's "Planchette." Church, which will serve for a time as a purifier.

God bless & preserve you,

Brigham Young