1869 December 31 Letter to Abraham Smoot


1869 December 31 Letter to Abraham Smoot


Stephen B. Moore and his partners may work the silver and copper mines in Tintic Valley. But Brigham believes that they would make more profit raising stock.




David McKenzie


Abraham Smoot


1869 December 31


Salt Lake City, Utah
Provo, Utah

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Salt Lake City

December 31. 1869.

Bishop Smoot
Provo City.

Dear Bro:-

Stephen B. Moore of Provo writes for counsel with regard to securing & working Silver & Copper mines which he says himself & some others have discovered in Tintic Valley about 20 miles west of Goshen.

They wish to secure those mines so as to keep them out of the hands of outsiders. I have no objection to this, indeed, they ought to be secured, and, though the land in the vicinity may not be adapted for farming purposes, it will make an excellent range for stock. As to their working the mines if they are so determined let them do so, but I am of the opinion that they will find it less profitable than Stock raising.

Mines are being worked in various parts of the Territory with more or less success, but I do not know that any one is making a large fortune therefrom.

Bro. Redd expects to start on Monday with the sash for the Mill.

Your Bro. in the Gospel.

P. S. (Jan. 3/70.) Bro Redd had not started this morning. This was detained, awaiting the President's signature.

David McKenzie