1870 September 5 Letter to H. S. Eldredge


1870 September 5 Letter to H. S. Eldredge


Paul Harrison should be re-baptized in Utah. Brigham travels to Kanab to assess whether establishing new settlements will safeguard against Indian theft.


Indian Affairs


George A. Smith


Horace S. Eldredge


1870 September 5


London, England

Number of Pages



Indian Matters

Salt Lake City. U.T.
5 Sept 1870.

Prest. H.S. Eldredge.
42 Islington.

Dear Bro:
Your favor to Prest. Young of 10th ult. has been received. The President being at present on a trip to the Kanab, and not expecting him home for fifteen to twenty days I have read your communication to the brethren of the Quorum of the Twelve, including bro. Orson Pratt, and their unanimous opinion is that bro. Paul Harrison had better direct his enerjies towards emigrating to Zion, which he can doubtless accomplish in a short time, seeing that he has been enabled to give as much as £60. to the poor saints during the last few months. Let him do this, and when he gets here let him be baptized. This advice has been given, not with any feeling inimical to bro. Harrison, or with the desire to defer his entry into the church as unworthy of memberhiip but simply because the brethren consider it would be a scandal to the church for him to re-enter it in England.

President Young has gone to examine the keys that command the passes across the Colorado, by which the Indians drive out our southern brethren's stock and will of course determine if it is practicable to protect the present settlements by the location of some new ones. He left Parowan very early this morning to cross the mountains for the head of the Sevier. His party consists of ten brethren from this city, which has no doubt received some accessions from the southern settlements. No ladies are with the party.

Praying God continually, that He will bless, prosper and preserve you,

I remain,
Your Brother in the Gospel
Geo. A. Smith