1870 September 13 Letter to D. B. Huntington


1870 September 13 Letter to D. B. Huntington


Huntington should refrain from suggesting that the indigenous people arm themselves and instead advocate for their focus on raising grain and stock.


Indian affairs


Brigham Young
Daniel H. Wells


D. B. Huntington


1870 September 13


Salt Lake City, Utah
Tokerville, Utah

Number of Pages



Indian affairs


Tokerville Sept. 13, 1870
Elder D.B. Huntington,

Dear Brother:-We have learned, much to our regret, that you have been and are endeavoring to infuse into the minds of the Indians the idea of being supplied with arms and ammunition to be used against the whites which must not be, and is entirely incorrect to teach them any such ideas, considering that they are now too ready and willing to resort to resort to such evil, practices it becomes altogether reprehensible and must be stopped.

We should rather seed to turn them from such practices and to teach them to live at peace one with another, and try to induce them to resort to more peaceful avocations of life, such as keeping stock and raising grain for a subsistence; you will therefore refrain from spreading any such pernicious influences in your conversation with the indians or any other persons whatever, otherwise we may be compelled to the unpleasant duty of discarding those sentiments in a more public manner.

Hoping that you will profit by this timely caution, and not wishing to impugn your motives.

We remain Your Brethren in the Gospel
Brigham Young

Daniel H. Wells