1870 December 30 Letter to Orson Hyde


1870 December 30 Letter to Orson Hyde


Hyde is advised not to incite Indian aggression but to encourage compromise and peace.


Indian Affairs


[Brigham Young]


Orson Hyde


1870 December 30


Spring City, San Pete, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Salt Lake City. U.T. 30 December 1870
Elder Orson Hyde
Spring City. San Pete.

Dear Brother:

A copy of your circular letter sent by telegraph "to the Bishops in San Pete Co, and to all whom it may concern" regarding the possibility of Indian troubles in your region of country -- has been handed to me. With regard to the policy therein forshaddowed and the statement of your intention to make it a personal matter with those who have killed the deer and the Indians who claim injury thereby, I, myself think that it would be best not to send words to the Indians calculated to stir them up against those parties. If the Indians feel agreived at the destruction of their game and are mad, it would be much better, for you to compromise the matter with them on the best terms you can obtain, and let the quarrel, if there be any, be amongst ourselves, for it would be impossible, were the matter of redress placed in the hands of the Indians. <It would be to satisfy them or> for them to use judgment sufficient to discriminate between the innocent and guilty. In all probability they would commit depredations on the property of the whites, reprisals would be made by some of the brethren, and the very difficulty be forced upon us, that we are all so anxious to avoid.

With kind regards and wishing you the Compliments of the season

I remain Your Brother in the Gospel
D H Wells