1871 January 17 Letter to Orson Hyde


1871 January 17 Letter to Orson Hyde


Wells feared that revealing the telegraph message about the Indians would provoke them. The Mormons' adversaries have not succeeded.


Indian Affairs


Daniel H Wells


Orson Hyde


1871 January 17


Spring City, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah


Indian Affairs

Salt Lake City. Utah Ter.
17 January 1871

Elder Orson Hyde.
Spring City

Dear Brother:-

Your note of 4th inst. has been received and perused with much pleasure. I was of the opinion at the time I received your telegraphic communication that it was sent with the intention you express in your note. My fear was that some unwise person might, unknown to you, communicate its contents to the Indians and incite them to take measures for their individual redress, with the assurance of your protection.

I thank you for the kind wishes expressed in your note, and shall be much pleased to see you, if you make up your mind to shortly pay our city a visit.

All is well, there is much to be thought of, much to do, but the Lord is with us and all things are working right, and the persistent efforts of our enemies, have accomplished, for them, nothing.

With love and best wishes, I remain,
Your brother in the Truth
Daniel H Wells