1871 January 26 Letter to Joseph Flory


1871 January 26 Letter to Joseph Flory


Elder D. M. Stewart has been asked to pay Flory a visit per his request. A man must be authorized of God to teach his gospel.




Daniel H. Wells


Joseph Flory


1871 January 26


Salt Lake City, Utah
New Hope, Virginia


Missionary work
Church Doctrine

Salt Lake City. Utah Territory
26 January 1871

Joseph Flory Esq
New Hope. Virgenia.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of 13th inst, has just come to hand and its perusal afforded me much pleasure. I have written to one of our Elders -- Mr. D.M. Stewart of 2006 North Fourteenth Street St. Louis, Mo. to open a correspondence with you and if possible to shortly pay you a visit; as my position and business at the present time will prevent me from accepting the invitation for myself, so kindly tendered by you. Elder Stewart will be pleased to give you the information you desire with regard to the doctrines of our most holy religion and no doubt make clear to your understanding the powers and duties of the Priesthood.

We believe, with St Paul, that God hath set in the Church, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, gifts, governments, helps &c. "for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministary, for the edifying of the body of Christ (1 Cor. XII. 28 & Eph. IV, 11.) "and no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." (Heb. VI. 4.) Upon this foundation of Apostles and Prophets, and Revelation the Church is builded; the Lord Jesus being the chief corner stone of the edifice, and the great High Priest of our salvation. The mere desire to do good, to preach the word, or to have received a learned education at a College where Theology is made a science, does not authorize a man to officiate in the name of the Lord. He may have the ability, the sincerity, and the purity of life essensial to such a calling, for all of which he will receive his reward from the hands of his Creator, but if our Father in Heaven does not call and appoint him, he runs before he is sent, and his acts will not have efficacy on the earth, nor be recognized by the heavens.

A man may be qualified to act as a representative of our nation at foreign courts, he may desire such a position -- as many do -- but if he be not appointed by those having the right, he has no authority so to act, and were he to attempt to do so, his doings would not be
recognized at Washington, and personally he would be regarded as slightly insane. If such be the case with the governments of men, how much more so with the Kingdom of God, when the salvation of the millions of earth's children depends upon a knowledge of God and of His laws, which those who are not taught and empowered by him cannot fully possess.

We claim that as Aaron was called by direct revelation from God, so are the elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You have read many of our works, and have no doubt become conversant with the calling and appointment of the Prophet Joseph Smith; of the power with which he was endowed to call and appoint others to aid him in the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ. And we say unto you that inasmuch as you will exercise faith in God, and in His Son Jesus Christ; will repent of your sins, with a firm determination that by the help of Heaven you, for the future, will serve God with an undivided heart; and will be baptized by an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; you shall receive the remission of your sins and shall know of the doctrine that we preach, that we preach it of God and not of ourselves a fulfilment of the promise of the Savior to this effect.

Praying God to bless you and your friends, with a portion of His Holy Spirit, that you may be directed by Him in your search after the Truth

I remain, Yours Very Sincerely
Daniel H Wells