Salt Lake City. U.T. 30 Jany. 1871
Hon. W.H. Hooper M.C.
Washington, D.C.
Dear Brother:-Your favor enclosing Maxwell's notice of contest, also Commissioner Pleasanton's opinion has reached me safely, both highly appreciated in the present "situation".
Dr. Taggart is not yet satisfied. He affirms that his office is loaded down with the weight of evidence contrary to the commissioner's ruling that tithing is a free donation. He states he has the affidavits of Rob. Walker and others that they were cut off for not paying tithing. If they possess such documents they are false; men have been cut off for apostacy, of which their not paying tithing was one of the proofs, but never for not paying tithing only. But supposing they were cut off, for not paying tithing, what then, does that make it any the less a free offering on their part. They were free to do it or leave it alone. We were just as free to withdraw our fellowship from them, which I should suppose under the circumstances they would consider a matter of little moment. No pains or penalties that the law could recognize were inflicted upon those who did not feel like donating to this fund. The most that could be said, would be that we did not consider such worthy of the blessings of the kingdom of heaven, and erased their names from the records of the Church. But the fact is patent to all, who desire to know the truth, that there are numbers of men, held in good fellowship in the Church to day who do not pay their tithing, some have never paid a tenth of their increase since they entered the Church. But of all these facts I presume you are fully aware. I have not seen Dr Taggart since he received the Commissioners instructions so do not know what he will do.
The ring is restlessly alive. I with about twenty others, amongst whom are Elias Smith, E.L.T. Harrison, W.S. Godbe, H.W. Lawrence, have received subpoenas to appear before Judge Hawley to give evidence in the case of Maxwell vs Hooper. What they want with me I have not been able to find out. Bro. Miner is watching their course in your behalf.
Dr Taggart is striving to renew the tax of 1/12 of 1% on the City for issueing a Currency, on the pretext that they are bankers. He says he has received fresh instructions from the Department to do so, which I doubt, as it was decided we were not liable to this tax by Commissioner Delano. He asks for monthly returns from the time they were previously made, it being now somewhat more than two years since it was so decided. Our so called currency is simply an order from the auditor on the bearer treasurer to be paid in Greenbacks. If the people choose to circulate them as Greenbacks I cannot see that that renders us liable to the tax, any more than county or territorial auditors warrants. We have no capital and are frequently put to our trumps to pay our orders when presented and have to borrow. It is a most unrighteous thing to tax a corporation's indebtedness and is not contemplated by the law. The city does not nor never has derived any income from that source. Please enquire if any thing can be done about it at head quarters and let us know as soon as possible.
I am informed you desire some of the Church publications for distribution. Please let me know what kinds works you would prefer, with some idea of the number desired.
All is peace in our city; many strangers are flocking in and more are coming, business is improving, the weather is at present unsettled. President Young informs me he already begins to feel the good results of his rest. Himself and party are now well and expect to return home shortly.
With love to yourself and Bro Harrington, I remain,
as ever, Yours.
Daniel H Wells