1871 February 14 Letter to William Hooper


1871 February 14 Letter to William Hooper


Hooper is asked to financially assist HeberJohn Richards. Taggart argues that tithing is not voluntary and should be taxed.




T. W. Ellerbeck


William H. Hooper


1871 February 14


Washington City, D. C.


Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U.T.
Feb. 14. 1871.

Hon. W.H. Hooper, M.C.
Washington City, D.C.

Dear Sir:-- I am directed by President B Young to say to you that he wishes that you be so kind as let bro. Heber Jno Richards, whose address is I understand, (as he has not written us at the office) No 110 East 27th Street, New York City.-- have about Four Hundred ($400). Dollars to enable him to pay his expenses and return home. It is said that he returns home at the end of this month, hence needs the money at once. We are so used up for means that we cannot send it to him. I also write to him to make application to you.

Your bro. in the Gospel
T.W. Ellerbeck Clk

P.S. It is said that Taggart is going to endeavor, by affidavits, to prove that Comr Pleasanton's decision regarding the income tax on tithing is erroneous; that tithing is not voluntary, &c.--just as though it was not voluntary for a person to remain a member of the Church or not just as he pleases.