1871 February 15 Letter to W. A. Wade


1871 February 15 Letter to W. A. Wade


Brigham advises Wade to obtain pure sugar cane from the Southern Settlements or from William Staines and to preserve the pure seed once obtained.




Brigham Young


W. A. Wade


1871 February 15


Kanosh, Millard County, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah



President's Office, S.L. City.
February 15th. 1871.

Mr. W.A. Wade
Kanosh, Millard Co.

Dear Bro:-Yours of the 9th inst. has been received. I have no pure seed of the Sugar cane at present, having long since distributed what I had, neither do I know where you can obtain it.

I think it would be advisable to procure it from some of the Southern Settlements if possible; if you cannot, I believe that Bro. Wm. C. Staines, has some cane seed for sale, he will no doubt take pleasure in answering any communication you may send to him. Bro. Staines is in partnership with Bros Wagstaff & Reading in the seed business here.

Too little regard has been had to preserve the pure seed, & I trust that you will make it a specialty, when you obtain it pure to preserve it so, that there may be at least, one place in the Territory where it may be had. Wishing you every success, & hoping to hear of your prosperity.

Your Bro. in the Gospel,
Brigham Young