1871 February 20 Letter to Eliza Hickok


1871 February 20 Letter to Eliza Hickok


Edward Young will visit Hickok following the loss of her mother and daughter.




George Reynolds


Eliza Hickok


1871 February 20


Watertown, Wisconsin



Salt Lake City. Utah Territory
20 February 1871

Miss Eliza Hickok
Watertown, Wis.

Dear Sister:
Your note of 7th inst has come safely to hand. I was indeed sorry to hear of the loss you had sustained, for the loss is ours, with those who die faithful to God and his cause all is gain, and we have no reason to greive for them.

Your note has been read to President Young, and he directed that a letter be written to his brother Edward reminding him of his promise to call upon you. I think, perhaps it would be well for you to send him a few lines, enclosing your address, and stating that I had informed you, that President Young had written to him reminding him of the request the President had made of him to call on you. This will no doubt cause him either to visit Watertown very shortly or write you a letter, in either case you might drop me a line, so that the matter may be kept before the President Mr Edward Young's address is Clintonville, Wisconsin

I trust that this action on the part of President Young, will result in bringing you the desires of your heart, and praying God our Father to bless & console you I remain

Your Brother
Geo. Reynolds