1871 February 21 Letter to Edward Young


1871 February 21 Letter to Edward Young


Young is reminded to visit Eliza Hickok who recently lost her mom and sister.




George Reynolds


Edward Young


1871 February 21


Clintonville, Wisconsin
Salt Lake City, Utah



Salt Lake City. U.T.
21 February 1871

Elder Edward Young
Clintonville. Wis.

Dear Bro: You will recollect, shortly before leaving Salt Lake City that President Young spoke to you of a family by the name of Hickok living at Watertown in your state, whom he desired you to call on, when convenient to you. A letter has just been received from Eliza-one of the daughters--stating that her mother and sister died, of fever, during the winter and that she is now alone in the world. She is very anxious that you should see her, as she greatly desires to get a chance to come to Utah. The President wishes a short note written to remind you of the circumstance, and he would be pleased, it not inconvenient, for you to call on her.

The health of the President and of the family is good. The President during his visit to St George suffered somewhat from rheumatism, but that has now almost entirely left him, otherwise he is quite well.

With Kind regards I remain, Yours truly.
Geo. Reynolds
Clerk to Prest Young