1871 March 1 Letter to A. Barringer


1871 March 1 Letter to A. Barringer


The distance between homes makes gas piping impractical. The territory produces wool, cotton, and silk.




Brigham Young


A. Barringer


1871 March 1


Columbus, Ohio

Number of Pages




Salt Lake City, U.T.
March 1. 1871.

A. Barringer, Esqr.
Columbus, Ohio.

Dear Sir,
Yours of a recent date in relation to the introduction of Gas Works has been received.

It may be of some interest to you to know that I am constantly receiving letters on this subject. I have no doubt the parties interested would feel better satisfied, as I certainly should, were they to make a personal examination into this matter, however, I will briefly state some of the prominent facts in the case, and you may form your own conclusions.

The population of S.L. City is estimated at <from> 20 to 25,000, the Streets are laid out at right angles, and, (side Walks included) are 165 <132> ft. wide, the "blocks" contain ten acres each, and were originally laid out to contain eight lots, with one house on each lot, but in the business part of town the houses are erected closer together. The width of the streets and the scattered situation of the houses would neccessarily involve a great length of gas piping

With regard to Manufactures &c. We have six woolen factories, two cotton factories, and there are also several iron foundries and machine shops, in different parts of the Territory.

We raise Wool and Cotton and to some extent silk but as yet, have not succeeded in making iron only experimentally. Our buildings are of Granite, Sand Stone, Fire brick, Sundried brick or Adobies, and Lumber. We have a large supply of bituminous coal, of an excellent quality for gas, and we are in hopes to use it as such, but not at present, as, in the judgment of experienced men, the principal houses are too few and scattering to warrant the great outlay of laying down the pipes.

Yours with respect.
Brigham Young