1871 February 28 Letter to William Jarman


1871 February 28 Letter to William Jarman


The dispute between Jarman and Brother Jennings should be brought before the high council.




Brigham Young


William Jarman


1871 February 28


Salt Lake City, Utah



S.L. City,
February 28. 1871.

Mr. William Jarman,

Dear Bro:
Yours of the 17th inst. has been received. It is always a subject of regret to me to hear to dis-agreements among the brethren, especially of so grave a nature and having such unpleasant consequences as you describe in your letter. Such difficulties should not be permitted to exist and the legitimate course for you to pursue is to have this matter brought up before the High Council -- if you have not done so already -- and let that body decide between yourself and Bro. Jennings. There you can have a fair, candid hearing and as much of a judicial examination into the facts of the case as in any law court in the world; and I am positive you may rely on obtaining a decision, unbiassed by any consideration other than a strict regard for truth and right.

Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young