1871 March 8 Letter to F. A. Hammond


1871 March 8 Letter to F. A. Hammond


Brigham advises excommunicating two individuals for adultery, with the possibility of rebaptism in the future if they demonstrate genuine repentance.




Brigham Young


F. A. Hammond


1871 March 8


Huntsville, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

Number of Pages



Church Discipline

President's Office,
S.L. City.
March 8. 1871.

Bishop F.A. Hammond.

Dear Bro:-

Bro. Jens Throtleson presented a letter from you this morning on the same subject as a former <one> received a few days since by mail, and which I had instructed my Secretary to answer, and how to answer, but it had not been mailed.

My counsel to you is to cut both parties off the Church, such conduct on the part of professing Latter-Day Saints is most disgraceful and should be dealt with as such.

If, after a time, they apply for re-baptism, manifesting true signs of repentance, and you are satisfied that they have forsaken this sin, and that it will be right to receive them again, then you may do so; this is a matter you must decide in the Spirit of your calling. Read in Sec. 13, Par. 7, page 125 in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. 4th European Edition. "He that has committed adultery and repents with all his heart, and forsaketh it, and doeth it no more, thou shalt forgive; but if he doeth it again, he shall not be forgiven, but shall be cast out."

It is for you to ascertain whether they have committed the act but once, or whether they continue the practice, and so govern yourself according to the spirit of this revelation.

Your Bro. in the Gospel
Brigham Young