1853 August 25 Letter to James A. Little


1853 August 25 Letter to James A. Little


Communicating Brigham Young's recommendation to discharge a number of persons arrested for mutinous acts in light of their professed penitence.


Nauvoo Legion


Daniel H. Wells


James A. Little


1853 August 25


Great Salt Lake City
Iron County

Number of Pages



Legal Matters

Item sets

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion
Adjutant Gen[l]'s Office.
G. S..L. City Augt 25th 1853

Lieut Col. Jas. A. Little
Commanding Iron County
Military District.


From returns for Col. Geo. A. Smith from your District, we find sundry persons under arrest for Mutinous conduct, disobedience of orders, &c. Court of enquiry having determined them guilty of the charges and specifications.

The course pursued by the Officers was perfectly correct, and according to the Law, although they might have been more severe than they were.

It is all right, and if this will suffice we shall be glad. His Excellency the Governor, in his clemency counsels us to pursue this case no farther, in consideration of the seeming penitence of the offenders, and the strong interest felt by the people in their behalf.

You are therefore directed to discharge them from arrest, retaining their arms as public property, and in case you permit them to have them, taking their receipts therefor.

This being their first offence, is easier passed over. Let no person presume that it can be repeated with impunity. for rest assured, that we shall ever be ready to sustain the officers, in the discharge of their duties, the more especially as they become perilous. in the performance.


I Remain
Your Friend as ever

Daniel H. Wells
Lieut General Commanding
Nauvoo Legion