1871 October 12 Letter to Mr. Clark


1871 October 12 Letter to Mr. Clark


The assignment of patent rights for the Abel Weft Thread Milling Machine in Utah must be properly recorded at the U.S. Patent Office, with a clear chain of title. Upon receiving the documentation, the negotiated sum will be paid.


Financial/Legal Matters


Brigham Young


Mr. Clark


1871 October 12


Chicago, Illinois
Salt Lake City, Utah


Legal Matters
Financial Matters

Salt Lake City, U. T.
October 12. 1871

Mr. Clark

Representing in North Western Abel Loom Company, of the City of Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Sir:-

I learn by an examination of the Laws of the United States in relation to Patents &c. that "every assignment of the exclusive right under any patent for any part or portion of the United States," must be duly recorded in the Patent Office at Washington. It will be necessary therefore for the Company you represent to have their assignment to me of the right to make, and use, and dispose of the Abel Weft Thread Milling Machine (patented July 10. 1870 by Letters Patent numbered 105,537,) in and throughout the Territory of Utah, with all the right, and title and interest in said patent in and for the said Territory, duly recorded in said Patent Office, and the Commissioners Certificate accompanying a complete chain of title thereof, descending clearly to myself, for the territory specified, upon receipt of which I will pay you the amount agreed upon between us, to wit Eleven Thousand ($11,000.) Dollars.

Brigham Young