1853 August 18 Letter to David Moore


1853 August 18 Letter to David Moore


Admonishing Major Moore that he is fully authorized to enforce the orders given in his jurisdiction. Affirms that those men refusing to secure up their stock encourage the enemy and thus puts the community at risk.


Nauvoo Legion


Daniel H. Wells


David Moore


1853 August 18


Great Salt Lake City
Weber, Utah Territory

Number of Pages



Nauvoo Legion
Indian Affairs

Item sets

Head Quarters Nauvoo Legion
Adj. Genl. Office
G. S. L. City, Augt 18, 1853.

Major David More
Weber Military Dist.


Yours of the 13th inst. is at hand I have also had the pleasure of conversing with Harry Pierce from Box Elder.
In relation to some of the forces being obstinate, and not willing to obey orders. I have only to say, you have your orders, obey them, and see them carried out.

If men refuse to comply, there is a way to make them. It is truly to be regretted, that harsh measures are necessary to be used, or even threatened. It is no use to refuse compliance, nor yet to be divided in relation to policy in different Settlements; neither is any man at liberty to contribute aid, comfort to our enemies, by leaving their Stock in exposed situations, and not complying with the requirements of the orders.

I will say to you, Major More, [t/m?]ake good counsel, be wise in all of your movements, and [?] be efficient in carrying them out. Officers must be respected in their positions which they occupy; insubordination must not exist. There is no question but that it is all important to secure the harvest; while this is being accomplished, the scattered families can be brought together and be more compact,
than where so scattered, and safer

By united exertions, stock may also be more efficiently guarded and secured, as also the harvest. I am assured that nothing of consequence will be done towards quieting the Indians until the brethren become willing to hearken to counsel, and more united in carrying it out.

The brethren at the [?] Kanyon, were told by the President to cinch together, upon one side or the other of that river,build a fort, and when they should become strong enough that then they could build a fort on the other side. Then let them do as they are told, if they want to stay there at all, yet I should not be surprised, if they do not comply, if they would have to [?] the place altogether, both sides, [?] be liable to be not [?] by the Indians, which would be good.

If brethren cannot be [?] in obeying good [wholesome] or counsel, they are most likely to learn by what they suffer. [Their] experience in this Kingdom ought to [?] thus [at?] if they do not willingly and freely comply with the council by the authorities of this Kingdom, given in kindness and love for their beneift, that they will in all probability be chastised until they do; in this all have to partake; hence it is true that no man is at liberty to do wrong, thinking that he alone is responsible.

It is a responsibility that no one can assume. If I refuse to take care of my stock, I am liable to lose it so far as it is a personal loss I feel, so far as it is a public loss the public feel hurt, the very moment that it goes into the hands of our enemies to goad and encourage them if even to all alike are affected by it; therefore I have no right [?] contrary to the orders concerning the disposition either of my self, my family, or my property. It is my duty and business to render my most efficient aid, to secure the promotion of the public interest; why need I reason upon so plain a subject; will nothing save a demonstration [?] of Captain Walker and his forces convince the brethren of their danger? Can the door not be locked until the stock is stolen?

I tell you Major More, that it can, if the people and officers will all do their duty? It for men to resist obedience to orders. It is treason for men to give aid and comfort to our enemies; aid the enemies to state or Territory.

Let all such persons look to it, for it is no time to trifle with these things; the supremacy of the law must be maintained.
You are fully authorized to enforce it, so far as your jurisdiction extends, and we expect that all good men will aid and sustain you therein.


I have the honor to remain
Very truly & cordially your Friend

signed Daniel H. Wells
Lieut General Commanding
Nauvoo Legion

P. S.
It is not our [?] to all rumours. That [?] and movements of the Indians
There is no safety anywhere but in [?] Two of the brethren were killed  [?] the city by the Indians. most likely to come, and in [?] you look out for them